Avoid a rockslide with an acrylic support system

by | Oct 21, 2013 | Corals, Fish, Tanks | 0 comments

Aquascaping is a challenge in itself. The ability to place rocks in an aquarium in a way that looks appealing, that provides plenty of surface area for the planting of corals, that offers hiding spots for the fish, and that doesn’t look unnatural — it’s almost too much to consider. If all else fails, I’d strongly urge you to find a female to add her perspective because for some reason they have an incredible knack for this task. Ask your spouse, your significant other, or even a female friend for their input… trust me. You want to avoid a man-made pile (brickwork looking), as well as straight horizontal lines since these aren’t common in nature. With your counterpart chiming in, you may only need to make a couple of tiny changes to get a great looking reef.Once the aquascape has been perfected with nooks, crannies, tunnels, overhangs and interesting structures, it is possible that all your hard work can come crashing down MORE: Avoid a rockslide with an acrylic support system


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