Reef Tank Tip – Resist The Urge to Submerge

by | Dec 24, 2015 | Corals, Fish, Reef, Science, Tanks | 0 comments

There are a number of best practices for reefkeeping and one of the bigger ones in my book is to try and minimize the amount of time I put my hands in the tank. I consider myself a perfectionist and when I started to keep reefs I was always looking at my tanks and tinkering with the rocks or corals to achieve a “better” look.

I would buy a new coral and spend a lot of time trying to place it just right, moving it from spot to spot. This stressed out the coral and made it tough for it to establish itself in its new environment. What I learned over time is that Mother Nature needs to take over and do her thing.

Put the coral in a spot and just let it be. Well, what if a frag tips over? Not to worry. I have seen some hobbyists intentionally glue a frag horizontally to a plug to allow multiple branches to spring up vertically. A healthy frag or coral will find its way when left alone. The constant touching will not only cause stress but it will also introduce oils from your skin and upset the delicate balance of the tank. – See more here: MORE


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