Google’s DeepDream software is endlessly fun to play with. If you’re not already familiar, it uses something called a “convolutional neural network” to enhance patterns found in images. Allegedly, the purpose for creating this program was to better classify the contents of an image (e.g. recognizing faces and so on), but, since being released to the public, it’s proven to be far more useful for creating trippy imagery. Like an Instagram filter on psilocybin, DeepDream excels at uncovering all the phantasmagorical nightmares hidden within a photograph, and, when applied to the kaleidoscope of colors and shapes found on a coral reef, the results can be remarkable…
- Can you find Dory?
- Can you figure out what this was?
- Pseudanthias leucozonas, a rare species endemic to DeepDreams.
- Flame Angelfish and a pug?
- Banggai Cardinalfishes.
- Dory
- Just a reef tank…
- The invasive DeepDream lionfish.
- Lemonpeel Angelfish amidst the surreal.
- As if Clown Triggers weren’t crazy enough…
- Weedy Sea Dragon perfectly camouflaged against the DeepDream.
- Yellow Tangs
- Anampses.
- This was a Yellowmouth Moray.
- Christmas Tree Worms and chickens?
- Montipora
- The new DeepDream Clownfish strain is currently in production from ORA.
- Exaiptasia
- Is that a rabbit on its caudal fin?
- Yasha Goby hides fmor the nightmares…
- Clearly a Squarespot Anthias X Marlin hybrid.
- Six-line Wrasse with caudal deformity.
- Wolf & Tunicate.
- Passer Angelfishes swimming through a hellscape worthy of Hieronymus Bosch.
- Pseudanthias tuka… and a Cairn Terrier and Dachshund?
- This was a pygmy seahorse on a gorgonian.
- A tranquil reef scene, with an Orangeback Fairy Wrasse
- Caulerpa
- Pygmy Seahorse
- Manonichthys with a rat head?
- Pygmy Seahorse and an Archaeopteryx?
You can create your own images for free using the DeepDream Generator, though be aware that this will likely consume the rest of your afternoon.