Deep-Sea Invertebrates from St. Eustatius

by | Jul 3, 2017 | Invertebrates, Reef, Science | 0 comments

anemone snail shell I’m back, I have four more invertebrates found with a deep-sea submersible from the island of St. Eustatius in the Caribbean. The top photo is some kind of weird anemone sitting on top of a rare slit-shell, below that is a cool looking deep-sea shrimp, then a big starfish that I had never seen before and finally a super tiny, smaller than a dime hermit crab from way down stairs. I decided to toss all these into one blog because of my need to be finished with photos from Statia although I still have a ton of underwater reef shots and all the SIRENAS sponge photos to show you, this could take a long, long time! MORE


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