RNN Episode 72 – How to Avoid Summer Slump

by | Aug 1, 2019 | Podcast, Reef | 0 comments

Glow in the dark Sharks, listener calls and 10 Things I Hate about Summer AKA 10 ways to avoid Summer Slump. This week Jeremy is enjoying some rapid coral growth in both of his systems, Peter is finishing up a 3-day black out and it looks like real progress is being made! All this and more on Episode 72 of the Reef News Network!




Jeremy: Sharks are known to stalk and sniff out prey before they attack. But all this newly discovered shark species has to do is glow in the dark, and the prey comes to them. The 5 1/2-inch American Pocket Shark is the first of its kind to be discovered in the Gulf of Mexico, according to a new Tulane University study. It’s less fearsome than it is wondrous.

Listener Calls: Ethan Cody

Main Topic: Summer Slump….most of us go through it! You may not have heard it called by that name but I am sure you know what I mean. It is that time of year when there is just so much else to do, the days are longer and you want to take advantage. The great outdoors, the beach, the pool, Ect. Ect. are all calling your name, the last thing you want to do is be inside doing tank maintenance. Well if you have fallen prey to Summer Slump we are here to help keep you on track and let you enjoy your system even in the off season.

Reef News Network: www.reefnewsnetwork.com


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