Triton Labs Fights Back Against Dangerous Misinformation

by | May 29, 2021 | Industry, Reef, Supplements | 0 comments

Yesterday, Triton Labs released a newsletter to its subscribers and posted information on industry websites about misinformation that has been posted to a blog site by another aquarium company. Triton Labs does not mention the blog site nor the company that has posted this information, but it may make you pause to question whether or not Triton Labs will take some type of action against the party making these claims. Keep reading to see Triton Lab’s official statement:

“Over the course of the last few weeks we have received a significant number of alarming emails and notifications regarding a blog posted by another aquarium company containing false information about our TRITON Core 7 products.

In this blog (on their website) there are multiple statements based on incorrect and misleading information related to TRITON Core7 which has caused panic and stress to members of the TRITON community.

To avoid any further harm to our brand and fears within our customer base we want to clarify some important points:

TRITON Core7 products DO NOT contain any of the following toxic elements:

Or these elements:
Phosphorous (Phosphate)

TRITON Core7 products DO contain Fluoride.

TRITON Core7 supplementation only requires a MAXIMUM of 4 bottles. More commonly, Core 7 Base or Reef Supplements is reduced by the customer to 3 bottles by simply and easily combining the Alkalinity component of parts 3a and 3b…”


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