Interzoo 2016: Sicce stand with the new pumps Syncra Smart DC

by | Jul 13, 2016 | Events | 0 comments

2016_05 Interzoo Norimberga sicce 2019

The Sicce stand at this year’s Nuremberg Interzoo was as beautiful and impressive as ever.

Inside a black pavilion, black as the Sicce pumps themselves, we discovered transparent and spherical boxes displaying the new pumps that Sicce presented during this important German event. The Syncra Smart DC pumps work both as return pumps and as skimming pumps; we will talk about them again soon when we discuss the new Typhoon skimmer from UltraReef, which we believe is the first skimmer to use them.

We start with the new sicce Syncra Smart DC 6.0 and 9.0, which move 6000 and 9000 l/h, respectively, and we see the technical specifications presented by the company.

Sicce Syncra Smart DC technical specifications

Syncra Smart DC 6.0Syncra Smart DC 9.0
Flow:2.000-6.000 l/h (3X)3.000-9.000 l/h (3X)
Maximum consumption:50 watt95 watt
Prevalence:3.5 meters5 meters


The technical data is extremely interesting, the small DC 6.0 with 120 liters per watt is more efficient than the 95 of the 9.0 one, but both are able to manage a marine aquarium with many things connected to it, such as calcium reactor, zeolite, chiller, and others. However, these are two very efficient pumps! In comparison, the Ecotech Marine Vectra M1 declares 94 liters per watt, the Waveline DC6000 109 l/w and the tunze 1073.05 70 l/w. On paper, the DC 6.0 appears to be a masterpiece and we hope to be able to try it soon.

2016_05 Interzoo Norimberga Sicce Syncra Smart DC 01

The sicce Syncra Smart DC pumps are incredibly small, which is impressive, considering their flow rate and so many interesting features, and we were pleased to learn that the new DC are guaranteed for 5 years. The external cover can be rotated in a 180° arc for greater versatility, as we see in the picture below, and the pump can be installed either internally or externally to the sump.

2016_05 Interzoo Norimberga Sicce Syncra Smart DC 05

To limit noise and vibration, the Syncra DC is equipped with 4 soft silicone legs instead of the more-common suction cups, which should ensure a greater level of stability and insulation. There aren’t screws of any kind and the pump can be removed safely with bare hands for an easy maintenance.

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Here, we can see the large rotor.

2016_05 Interzoo Norimberga Sicce Syncra Smart DC 04

Above we can see the rotor, an integral part of this absolutely classic pump with an extraordinary performance, including the fact that the pumps are controlled via wi-fi and use an app developed to manage them well.

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Through the app it is possible to control many aspects of the pump and even to control the system remotely.

2016_05 Interzoo Norimberga Sicce Syncra Smart DC 02

Above we see the pump controller; on the rear there is a hook that is coupled magnetically with the pump, and which can be screwed or glued wherever is most convenient.

Syncra Smart DC pumps exist for skimmers as well, and are named PSK 2600 and PSK 4000.

Sicce Syncra Smart PSK technical features

Syncra Smart DC PSK 2600
Syncra Smart DC PSK 4000
Air flow:900-2.600 l/h1.000-4.000 l/h
Maximum consumption:40 watt80 watt
Voltage:24 V24 V

2016_05 Interzoo Norimberga Sicce Syncra Smart DC 09

Pictured above is the new Syncra Smart PSK pump connected to the UltraReef Typhoon skimmer.

2016_05 Interzoo Norimberga Sicce Syncra Smart DC 10

The sicce Syncra Smart DC PSK was shown in its own plexiglas bubble.

2016_05 Interzoo Norimberga Sicce Syncra Smart DC 14

sicce  also updated its series of Syncra pumps with the new Advanced 5.0, 7.0, and 9.0.

The Syncra Advanced 5.0 has up to 5,700 l/h flow rate, 3 meters prevalence, and 50 watts of consumption (114 l/w), the Syncra Advanced 7.0 has 7,000 l/h flow rate, 3.5 meters prevalence and 60 watts of consumption (117 l/w), and finally, the Syncra Advanced 9.0 has 9,000 l/h flow rate, 4.5 meters prevalence, and 90 watts of consumption (100 l/w).

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sicce partnered with Seachem for this show, and I must mention the brand new Tidal filter, a special hang-on external filter, very innovative.

2016_05 Interzoo Norimberga Seachem Sicce Tidal 05

For more information about sicce’s new products, visit their official website; we also invite you to read our Editorial about the fair, which covers Interzoo and all the other stands we visited:


Nuremberg Interzoo 2016 Editorial

[translated by Erika Castorina]

  • danireef

    Danilo Ronchi, aka DaniReef lives in Italy where he is hydraulic engineer, but starting from his love for reef aquarium and photography, he began to write about marine aquariums from 2006 and now he's published his first book "Marine Aquarium". From 2007 Danilo writes on his blog where publishes articles, pictures, product reviews, aquariums coverage, reportage and history of his tank. Now he's happy to be part of

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