Super Green Star Polyps


Genus: Pachyclavularia
Pachyclavularia sp.
Color: Green

Coral Care

Feeding: Photosynthetic
Lighting: Medium
Flow: Medium
Photo courtesy of: Unique Corals


CARE LEVEL:  Intermediate

TEMPERAMENT: Semi-Aggressive

PLACEMENT: On Rockwork or Rubble

WATER MOVEMENT: Moderate to Strong (with surging flow preferred)

LIGHTING:  Moderate to Bright

HUSBANDRY NOTES: We keep these corals under LED or T5 lighting, in areas of moderate to strong flow. Feedings are not necessary, as the zooxanthallae provide nutrition for the coral.

NOTE: You will be purchasing a coral similar to the one in the photo. Because we spend less time photographing and uploading “stock” items, we pass the savings on to you! If they are on the site, they’re always ready to ship!