ATM Triage is the right product against ammonia peaks in fresh and marine water

by | Dec 26, 2018 | Equipment | 1 comment

ATM has products available for every problem pertaining to aquariums. Today we’ll be talking about ATM Triage, a very interesting product which can be used to neutralize ammonia and aquarium nitrites, be it fresh or marine water.

ATM‘s philosophy is simple. Strike first, before it harms even more. In this case, we’re talking about ammonia, one of the most toxic compounds for animals kept in aquariums. In case something goes wrong, or a fish dies and you cannot fish it out, and the ammonia level keeps growing, ATM Triage is the right product to use. And this isn’t just hearsay, we could actually test it on an aquarium we know very well. Once the ammonia gets neutralized, Triage will take care of the potential appearance of nitrites, in a selective manner.

What seems interesting, in the explanation ATM offers about the product, is that Triage does not work chemically, and thus does not cause problems for the filter.

ATM Triage‘s 4 main purposes are:

  1. to remove chlorine and chloramines;
  2. to remove toxic ammonia;
  3. to detoxify nitrites;
  4. to provide support for the mucous.

ATM Triage’s instructions for use

The suggested dosage is 5 ml per 38 liters to remove chlorine, chloramines, and 1 ppm of ammonia. To remove a bigger quantity of ammonia, you do not increase the dosage, but repeat the dosage after a few hours. So, to give you a practical example, to remove 1 ppm of ammonia in my 400 liter aquarium, I ought to pour 400/38*5=53 ml of product. If I had 2 ppm of ammonia, I ought to pour another 53 ml two hours after the first administration.

Available packaging and corresponding prices

ATM Triage is sold in bottles of different quantities:

QuantityPrice€ per litreTreated litres
ATM Triage 118 ml118 ml13,60 euros115897 litres
ATM Triage 236 ml236 ml19,90 euros841.798 litres
ATM Triage 473 ml473 ml25,00 euros533.596 litres

You can how much more convenient the bigger bottle is. But in this case, since the problem should be extemporaneous, I suggest that you only purchase the necessary quantity for the neutralization of the ammonia. As we said at the beginning, we have used it in a 200 liter aquarium in which a fish had died and the ammonia level had rose up, making problems for the other inhabitants as well, dosed together with ATM Colony (article), it removed the leftover ammonia in a very short time.

[Translated by Matilde Capannini]

  • Danilo Ronchi, aka DaniReef lives in Italy where he is hydraulic engineer, but starting from his love for reef aquarium and photography, he began to write about marine aquariums from 2006 and now he's published his first book "Marine Aquarium". From 2007 Danilo writes on his blog where publishes articles, pictures, product reviews, aquariums coverage, reportage and history of his tank. Now he's happy to be part of

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1 Comment

  1. Graz

    Hi I understand that product, locks the ammonia into a non-harmful state of ammonium. But by doing this it also locks the test results for ammonia at the level at which it was used. In my case 0.50ppm Therefore it’s difficult to tell when the ammonia has been removed from the tank and ammonia testing will show the true level of ammonia within the water system.

    For back ground info, the system is a 130 litre total water volume 95 litre display 35 litre sump & 8 litre top up tank.
    Caribsea live sand, 12kg of reel reef rock (synthetic 3rd generation) 100 micron nylon filter sock, with the following filters I steered, Hugo kamshi ammonia remover, nitrtrie/nitrate remover pad, water flow from inlet filter sock pass upwards through the following mechanical media; course filter foam, medium filter foam, poly pad 20x10cm sheet, medium filter foam & fine filter foam. Water flows to next chamber with heater & maxspect bio cubes, water then flows into the return chamber.

    I stopped dosing the ATM after 3 days, day 1 dosing as recommended every 2.5 hours x 4 per day, day 2 the same & 3rd day just 2 doses 4 hours apart. Tank live stock; 1 gold rush tang, 1 Midas blenny, 2 clown (common) 2 conch snails & 2 red leg hermit crabs.

    Everybody in the tanks appears to be doing well & the initial expected water bacteria blooms dissipated after 4 days, 3 air lines in the tank help I’m sure 2 in the DT and one in the sump.

    However 1.5 weeks in and I’m still getting ammonia readings. Water changes have been completed. 30% on day 2 & 4 x 10% water changes & 20% water change yesterday. Tested again today & ammonia is reading 0.50ppm nitrate less than 0.10ppm nitrite 0% & PH is lower than I’d like at 8.2

    Any advice welcome. Thanks in advance


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