CORAL Video: Spectacular Softies Reef

by | Jun 26, 2013 | Corals, Fish, Photography, Tanks | 0 comments

No music and no Acropora, but this video shows an exceptional home “softie” coral tank with some huge, decades-old colonies. Watch for the Genicanthus pair that appears to be thriving in these surroundings. Credit Aaron Ro

240-gallon soft coral-dominated reef aquarium.
Most corals were moved in to this tank in 2006 from other tanks. The oldest pieces are clones of a 30-year-old toadstool, most others are 8-10 years old.

Fish currently in the tank: Yellowtail Damsel, Mystery Wrasse, Japanese Masked Angel pair, Banggai Cardinal, Marine Betta.

MORE: CORAL Video: Spectacular Softies Reef

  • Reef To Rainforest

    REEF to RAINFOREST MEDIA is an independent, award-winning publishing house based in Shelburne, Vermont founded in 2009. Reef to Rainforest publishes high-acclaimed magazines, digital content, and books for aquarists and underwater naturalists. CORAL is the world’s leading marine aquarium magazine, read in English in more than 100 countries. Available in high-quality print and digital editions. AMAZONAS is the world’s leading freshwater-only aquarium magazine. Both titles are originally published in German by Matthias Schmidt and Natur und Tier -Verlag, Meunster, Germany, and are now available in English in high-quality print and digital editions produced by Reef to Rainforest Media.

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