Holosystemics Part IX: Pathogen-Induced Skin Microbiome Responses of Seabass Fingerlings

by | Aug 1, 2024

Another journey into the microscopic world of the various niches provided by fish holobionts with an emphasis on the skin mucosal communities which are the fish’s first line of defence (Banner, personal communication). The skin microbiota of seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax) fingerlings was evaluated for microbial composition, function, and dysbiotic variation during natural outbreaks of Photobacterium damselae piscicida and Vibrio harveyi, while microbial profiling continued throughout mitigation with the broad-spectrum gram negative fluoroquinolone antibiotic, Flumequine. Meta-taxonomy assayed perturbations in prokaryotic communities whilst the antibiotic persisted in muscle and skin from four to 14 days. Fish were reared in ponds fed by water from the Alvor Estuary in Southern Portugal for six months until weighing an average of 57 g where the concluding samples were collected at seven months when the fish weighed ~70 g (Rosado et al. 2022).

Disease and antibiotic treatments progressively raised skin microbial diversity and evenness compared to healthy controls, where diversity declination was associated with recovery. 49 prokaryotic phyla and 926 genera were detected, where six phyla and 32 genera were enriched in healthy and recuperating fish. Variations in community composition were associated with the onset of disease and later during antibiotic treatment. The profusion of Photobacterium damselae piscicida was comparable in the skin communities where it was elevated in diseased fish and gradually diminished during antibiotic treatment and recovery. In contrast Vibrio species abundance increased with the onset of disease and was constrained by antibiotics yet re-emerged during recouperation (Fig 1.).

Remarkably from 74 core affiliate amplicon sequence variants (ASVs) found in all four groups, six, 20, 30, and 67 were detected in samples from healthy, diseased, treated, and recovered seabass respectively. Two ASVs were unique to diseased fingerlings and two others were only found in treated fish, while 38 were common to those that recovered. One of the unique phylotypes from diseased fish was a Photobacterium species while a further two were likely pathogenic Vibrio. Two and four other putative commensal Vibrio ASVs were core members of the skin communities of recovering fish. The skin microbiome profiles of healthy fingerlings were dissimilar to diseased or recovering seabass which were more alike (Fig 2.; Rosado et al. 2022).

Fig 1. The relative abundances of the predominant microbial genera and families in the skin mucosae of healthy, diseased, treated, and recovering Dicentrarchus labrax fingerlings. Image courtesy of Rosado et al. 2022 and the Creative Commons Attribution Licence 4.0. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

Kyoto encyclopaedia of genes and genomes (KEGG) pathway metadata and linear discriminant analysis effect size (LEfSe) discerned the metabolome of seabass skin microbiota where three, five, and seven metabolites were elevated in the healthy, treated, and recovered groups but nil were enriched in the skin of diseased fish. 67 and 57 percent of metabolic pathways were associated with biosynthesis in healthy and recovering skin biota, whereas 33, 100, and 43 percent were related to biochemical utilisation/assimilation in the skin of healthy, treated, and recovering fish respectively. Pathways associated with amino acid degradation and fatty acid and lipid biosynthesis were upregulated in the metabolome of healthy fish, while the micro-consortia of treated fish skins exhibited carbohydrate and secondary metabolite-degradative competencies. Nonetheless carbohydrate digestion and vitamin, fatty acid, and purine nucleotide-biosynthesis monopolised the skin metabolome of recovering fingerlings (Fig 3.; Rosado et al. 2022).

In contrast to the findings of extensive microbiome research, microbial diversity increased during the onset of disease (Rosado et al. 2022). Dysbiotic purging typically provides a vacant niche for inhabitation with environmental microbes and the development of a pathobiome yet instead there was an upsurge of putative opportunistic and aetiological taxa like Aureispira species and members of the families Flavobacteriaceae and Vibrionaceae. However, a perturbation of key microbial phylotypes was observed which epitomises dysbiosis (Rosado et al. 2022).

A single strain of Photobacterium damselae was represented in the skin microbiome of all diseased and undiseased fish where a previous study had highlighted the pathogen’s ability to elicit dysbiosis of seabass skin while its prevalence remained stable or increased (Rosado et al. 2019a; Rosado et al. 2022) and the skin and gill microbiomes of yellowtail kingfish experienced symbiotic dissociation during the onset of enteritis (Legrand et al. 2018).

Significant taxonomic shifts in microbial community composition were observed in 77 percent of diseased fish, where changes in the mucosal biochemical profile may have nurtured select lineages at the expense of others. Yet remarkably, the metabolome remained unaltered. The upsurge in diversity coincided with the recruitment of bacteria with analogous metabolic functions and donations (Kelly & Salinas 2017). Hence these affiliates offered an operational rather than a dysfunctional pathobiome (Rosado et al. 2022) perhaps because it is never in a pathogen’s interest to kill its host.

Fig 2. Heatmaps of the relative abundances of the prokaryotic phyla and amplicon sequence variants (ASVs; phylotypes) in the skin microbiomes of healthy, diseased, treated, and recovering Dicentrarchus labrax fingerlings. Image courtesy of Rosado et al. 2022 and the Creative Commons Attribution Licence 4.0. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

An escalation of skin mucosal microbiome diversity, disease amelioration, and a downturn in pathogenic strains was observed on the eighth day of flumequine administration (Rosado et al. 2022). Nevertheless, there was a concurrent increase of Flavobacteriaceae many of which are pathogenic (Austin & Austin 2016, cited in Rosado et al. 2022) and Alteromonas species known to liberate Photobacterium damselae and Vibrio species antimicrobials (Stevens et al. 2016) and withstand amoxicillin, erythromycin, and gentamicin (Wu et al. 2019, cited in Rosado et al. 2022). Antibiotics have increased microbial diversity but it is not the norm (López Nadal et al. 2018; Rosado et al. 2019a) but in most instances dysbiosis and pathogenicity were not pre-existing which proposes antibiotics, disease, and dysbiotic purging act synergistically to increase diversity (Rosado et al. 2022).

Significant skin metabolome disparities escalated the breakdown of complex carbohydrates (glycans) and secondary metabolites throughout antibiotic administration (Rosado et al. 2022) where the former may be shielding (Hooper & Gordon 2001; Kelly & Salinas 2017) insofar as carbohydrates assist host cell, commensal, and pathogen cell-to-cell or mucus-to-cell adhesions (Hooper & Gordon 2001; Spor et al. 2011). Hence digestion of this kind may prove detrimental (Rosado et al. 2022) whereas streptomycin remains an immunosuppressive (Colorni et al. 1998).

Putative pathogenic Vibrio species were enriched in the post-antibiotic skin microbiome of recovered fingerlings compared with non-medicated undiseased controls, which may be indicative of partial convalescence (Rosado et al. 2022) because recuperated coral mucosal microbiomes revert to their prestressed profiles (Santoro et al. 2020). Notwithstanding, commonality was observed amongst the community compositions of healthy and recovered fish (Rosado et al. 2022).

Fig 3. Skin metabolome analysis of healthy, antibiotic-treated, and recuperating Dicentrarchus labrax fingerlings: biosynthesis [Bios]; degradation/utilization/assimilation [DUA]. Image courtesy of Rosado et al. 2022 and the Creative Commons Attribution Licence 4.0. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

Over half the skin metabolome of treated and recuperated seabass was monopolised by carbohydrate and secondary metabolite degradation which was markedly different from the metabolism of the skin microbes of healthy fish. However flumequine has an extended half-life and a residuum remains in tissues several weeks post-treatment. The study concluded that disease, antibacterials, and dysbiosis have unpredictable effects on fish skin microbiota (Rosado et al. 2022).

Next we conclude this ambitious journey with an exploration of the gut and gill microbiota of saltwater fish and their dietary, prebiotic, and probiotic manipulations.


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