Excited as ever to post another piece in my ongoing series of “Reefs In Art”, two of my favorite things, today’s post comes to us courtesy of Klaus Kemp, a microscopist from East Brent in the United Kingdom. Kemp devotes most of his time to carefully arranging the microscopic algae-like organisms into mesmerizing kaleidoscope patters and the results are simply remarkable. He originally stumbled upon the diatoms and the wee age of 16, “I was immediately struck by the beauty and symmetry of diatoms. The symmetry and sculpturing on an organism that one cannot see with the naked eye astonished me, and after 60 years of following this passion I can still get excited from the next sample I receive or collect.”. Inspired by original diatomists from the Victorian-era, such as Johann Diedrich Möller and R. I. Firth, Kemp hopes to recreate some of their original works. I’d really like to get my hands on a few of these.