Aquarium Technologies Borrowed from Other Industries

by | Feb 5, 2016 | Corals, Equipment, Fish, Industry, Photography, Reef, Science, Tanks, Technology | 0 comments

Actinic lighting was developed and used in other industries before reef aquariums

We marine aquarists use a variety of tools to help keep our tanks healthy by either changing the water or removing the waste products of the animals we keep. But did you know virtually all of the devices we use were originally designed for other industries?

Ozone: For instance, ozone is a naturally forming gas found in our atmosphere that helps protect us from the damaging effects of the sun’s ultraviolet radiation. It was discovered in 1839 by Christian Friedrich Schönbein. Ozone was originally used to purify drinking water and as a health-giving gas. Unfortunately, that health idea produced just the opposite result because the oxidizing effect we can use to purify certain things will also oxidize us, especially our lungs. MORE

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