A moment of silence for the man who helped make fragging possible

by | Mar 28, 2011 | Equipment | 0 comments

It is with a heavy heart that we mark the passing of a man who unwittingly is partly responsible for our ability to frag so easily. Harry Coover the inventor of cyanoacrylate super glue passed away today at age 94.

Note that the need for its invention arose from of all things- broken refractometers. An entire industry you likely knew nothing about salutes you Harry.

  • Randy Donowitz

    Randy Donowitz has been keeping aquariums most of his life. During the mid 1980s and 90s he was consumed with the breeding of African Cichlids. In 1994 he purchased his first marine system- a simple 55 gallon reef setup and he has been an incurable coralholic ever since. Randy's articles have appeared in numerous hobbyist publications including Aquarium Frontiers, Advanced Aquarist, Marine Fish and Reef USA Annual and Aquarium Fish magazine. Currently, he curates and maintains the 3 system, 700 gallon coral reef display at Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, NY where he enjoys the privilege of sharing his knowledge and love of the hobby with students, staff, and community members from around the Tri-State area.

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