Thank you for submitting new corals to our guide. It is only with support from users like you that we can offer this comprehensive resource.Coral DescriptionCoral Name (Common Name)* Scientific Name (optional)Coral Type*-- select a Coral Type --LPS--ChalicesSoft CoralSPS--Acropora--Anacropora--Heliopora--Montipora--Pavona--Pocillopora--Porites--SeriatoporaZoanthid/PalythoaColor (enter as much as you want)*DescriptionImage UploadCoral Image*Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, gif.Photo Courtesy of (optional)Known Care InformationLighting (optional)Select OneHighHigh-MediumMediumMedium-LowLowOtherFeeding (optional)Select OnePhotosyntheticScavengerRequires Target FeedingBenefits from Target FeedingOtherIdeal Flow (optional)Select OneHighMediumLowOtherWhere did the coral come from? (optional)Coral Farmed By (optional)-- select a Coral Farmer --Cherry CoralsDoctor Fosters & SmithJason Fox Signature CoralsORAPOTOReef Raft USAReefgenSBB CoralsTop Shelf AquaticsTyreeUnique CoralsWorld Wide CoralsPrice (when purchased) (optional)Size (when purchased) (optional)CommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.Δ