What type of betta do you have?

Bettafish are often lumped together as generic bettas at your LFS. But there are many different varieties of bettas. Here are excellent references that helps ID the type of betta you own (or may be interested in). Know your betta!

Mystery “tall, short-bodied” anthias

We have a head scratcher. Christina Jayne of Union City (CA) LFS Baja Reef photographed this anthias or perchlet acquired at a wholesaler. But what species is it? Is it a hybrid? A juvenile of a large fish? A deformity? Unfortunately, the wholesaler did not have any information about this specimen.

Ecotech introduces a new generation of VorTech pumps

Ecotech Marine has announced completely new models for their entire line of VorTech pumps. The new pumps are called the VorTech QuietDrive (QD) and marketed as more efficient with up to 40% more output and 90% less motor noise. No, that's not a typo. We distill all the useful information about the exciting evolution of the VorTech.

More reef life magic captured on film

Italian filmmaker Sandro Bocci has produced an intoxicating five minute short film featuring aquarium reef life. His film "...meanwhile...." features clams, zoas, fungia, brain corals, and many more – all captured in eerie high def, high magnification time-lapse.