Study finds stony corals eat plastic!

A recent study discovered that scleractinian (SPS/LPS) corals ingest microplastics at the same rate they consume plankton. Corals may be confusing plastic for food. The study concludes that microplastic may potentially impair a coral's health. If true, this could have big implications for reefkeepers.

Saving coral reefs via genetic screening?

Conservationists are dong great restoration work by transplanting coral fragments grown in nurseries onto suitable reef sites ... a technique pioneered by reefkeepers. But coral reefs need more help. Some scientists believe we can improve reef restoration by fast-tracking coral evolution.

The genetic basis for SPS’ colors

SPS aren't all created equal. Some SPS are bleh. Some are real knockouts (it's these special SPS that command high prices as "designer" frags). The difference is in their genes. While some SPS can color up (or down) depending on environmental conditions, some are simply genetically "superior" to others.