Soft coral tanks are far too underrated

If there are two things reefkeepers have proven they love, it's challenge and gear. As such, many seasoned aquarists thumb their noses at low-maintanence, low(er)-tech soft coral tanks. But if you ask me, a beautiful reef aquarium without the fuss is all good.

Some Zebrasoma tangs have serrated scalpels

Tangs, AKA surgeonfish, are known for their scalpel-like caudal spines located on their tail peduncles. On tangs with retractable spines such as Zebrasoma and Acanthurus, the scalpels are thought to be flat blades. But researchers have found that on a few scopas tangs, the spines actually have forward-swept serrations.

Reefspy’s charming 180 gallon mixed reef

There hasn't been a whole lot of aquarium-relevant scientific papers published this month (or this year for that matter). Fortunately there are still a lot of really wonderful aquariums. This is Reefspy's 180g mixed reef. "True" mixed reef tanks are a rare breed these days, so we love it when we see healthy examples.

Coral thief caught on tape

Surveillance cameras captured footage of a well-dressed man brazenly stealing corals and clams from A&R Aquarium (St. Petersburg, FL). Teng Lin, the accused, is now out of jail and charged with grand theft.