Fish are capable of play

Chalk another one up for researchers discovering what aquarists already know: A fish's behavior is not always predicated on basic survival tactics; Fish play for the sheer pleasure of the activity. If your fish is doing something inexplicably silly, don't just assume it's a derivative of survival behavior (e.g. feeding, mating, territorial, et al.). It's possible your fish is goofing around.

Flowerhorns locking lips and butting heads

Flowerhorns are a man-made hybrid cichlid. To some people, they are beauties. To others, abominations. One thing is indisputable: they are aggressive, big-personality animals. Here's a video of a newly introduced flowerhorn being "initiated" by the resident beastly male.

A Lego auto fish feeder

Lego is the new duct tape. There's nothing you can't build out of them. Osamu Mizuno assembled this auto fish feeder out of mechanized Lego parts. Admittedly, the system is not practical and probably not all that reliable, but it's just plain ol' cool.