Lovely betta biotope

It may shock you to learn that betta fish don't naturally live in sterile plastic cups. Bettas splendens are native to Thailand. Whether from rice paddies or drainage ditches, river basins or streams, bettas are found in tropical waters surrounded by vegetation.

Some tangs aren’t very good at eating algae

Most marine aquarists think of all tangs as herbivores, so they add any tang they prefer to their aquariums to control algae. And while it is true that the vast majority of tangs are algae-eaters, a new study finds that some tangs (in the case of the study, Ctenochaetus striatus) are really detrivores.

The formula for fangblenny venom revealed

Fangblennies of the genus Meiacanthus are popular reef fish kept by marine aquarists. We've long known their fangs pack venom (used primarily as defense), but until this year, we had no idea what was in that venom. A new study discovers it is a complex and elegant drug cocktail.