Ruby Seadragon seen live for the first time!

Phyllopteryx dewysea was described in 2015 based on trawled specimens from Western Australia. Scientists searched the deep waters off the Australian coastline in an attempt to film living Ruby Seadragons in their natural setting. In April 2016: success! This weekend, researchers published the first live video of the mythical seahorse.

Stony corals suffer jet lag, too

Like most organisms, corals and zooxanthallae have built-in circadian clocks. Research shows that if you change the lighting schedule, it can take corals some time to adjust their calcification to a new circadian rhythm.

“Play dead,” fishy

Some fish have a strange and unexplained habit of lying perfectly still - sometimes on their sides or even their backs. It's a really fascinating behavior that is both entertaining and terrifying seen for the first time for an owner who thinks his fish is dying.