The noble work of coral reef restoration

Coral reefs around the world are under siege, and scientists are fighting the good fight to repair them. SECORE shares with Advanced Aquarist a detailed overview of reef restoration: its present day techniques, limits and challenges, as well as opportunities for the future.

A new Silver Dollar species

Myloplus lucienae is a new species of "silver dollar" (AKA Myleus, AKA pacu) from Brazilian Amazon. While resembling piranhas (also of the family Serrasalmidae), Myloplus are peaceful but voracious herbivores.

The hardiest fish in the world?

The Atlantic killifish, Fundulus heteroclitus (AKA Mummichog) is a North American fish that not only can survive highly variable salinity, temperature fluctuations from 6 to 35 °C (43 to 95 °F), and nearly anoxic (oxygen-less) water, but can withstand toxic levels 8,000 times more lethal than other fish can survive.