Why fish send red signals in the deep blue sea

Some of us think that reef fish can't see the color red because red light is quickly filtered out by seawater. But then why are so many reef fish fluorescence red? Studies are showing that reef fish not only see red, but the color serves very different purposes for different fish.

Polyp fetish? We’ve got the video for you

Dr. Tim Wijgerde has been perfecting his time-lapse photography. His latest 4K video reveals the slow motion of lovely Acropora polyps. Old timers will remember the days when Acropora were considered impossible to keep in captivity. Oh, how times have changed.

Two new reef goby species

Amblygobius calvatus and Amblygobius cheraphilus are the two newest species of burrowing gobies from the tropical western Pacific Ocean. They exist in shallow water but are skittish and have evaded discovery until now.