by Leonard Ho | Nov 22, 2016 | Advanced Aquarist
I can't think of a more wonderful way to divide two rooms; both the kitchen and the dining table share view of this incredible reef aquarium. by Leonard Ho | Nov 21, 2016 | Advanced Aquarist
The winning bid on a Facebook auction for a betta fish pigmented like Thailand's national flag ended at a whooping 53,500 baht (~$1,500 USD)! As far as we are aware, this makes it the most expensive betta fish in the world. by Leonard Ho | Nov 17, 2016 | Advanced Aquarist
David Greenfield and Toshiyuki Suzuki describes a new species of dwarf goby, Eviota bilunula. They also redescribe Eviota flebilis based on new specimens found of this elusive species. by Leonard Ho | Nov 16, 2016 | Advanced Aquarist
W00T! Researchers report a large-scale synchronous spawning of ~2800 colonies of outplanted Acropora tenuis in Okinawa, Japan. This is a different method of reef restoration than what many of us are familiar with - one which promotes genetic diversity through natural reproduction. by Leonard Ho | Nov 11, 2016 | Advanced Aquarist
South Korean tech company AIRO is manufacturing one of the most realistic robotic fish currently on the market. The MIRO is an advanced submersible robot that mirrors both the look and movement of fish. by Leonard Ho | Nov 10, 2016 | Advanced Aquarist
Multiple studies have concluded what fishkeepers have known for ages: fish have very distinct personalities. Some are skittish while others are bold. Some are friendly while some are simply born SOBs. A new study further reinforces this conclusion while also outlining simple, low-cost methods for breeders to measure fish personality.