by Leonard Ho | Aug 22, 2016 | Advanced Aquarist
Advanced Aquarist author Dr. Tim Wijgerde shares with us his incredible 4K time-lapse video revealing the mesmerizing behavior of coral polyps, tube worms, tunicates, crinoids, starfish, urchins, flatworms and anemones. by Leonard Ho | Aug 21, 2016 | Advanced Aquarist
Few reef fish are as vibrant as fairy wrasses. The color palette just got more colorful by one species with the formal description of Cirrhilabrus hygroxerus, the monsoon fairy wrasse. by Leonard Ho | Aug 19, 2016 | Advanced Aquarist
The flapjack octopus has competition for most adorable deep-sea cephalopod. This cuttlefish is Rossia pacifica, AKA the googly-eyed stubby squid. Life way down there is really weird and wonderful. by Leonard Ho | Aug 18, 2016 | Advanced Aquarist
A new study finds that the urine of big reef fish plays a major role in providing the nutrient-poor reefs with the available phosphorus that it needs. Past studies have shown reefs with fish grow more than twice as quickly. by Leonard Ho | Aug 17, 2016 | Advanced Aquarist
In a newly published video, Eli describes the design, installation, and life support system for his massive 37,000 liter reef system. Yes; it is as impressive as it sounds. by Admin | Aug 16, 2016 | Advanced Aquarist
Labeotropheus chlorosiglos and L.simoneae are the two newest described cichlid species from Lake Malaŵi, Africa, and they are real stunners.