Your fishes know your face

For anyone who has ever believed their fish are able to recognize him/her from other people, a new research may finally substantiate your belief. Archerfish were able to correctly differentiate human faces over 80% of the time!

Pet eel

I stumbled upon an unbelievable video we shared a few years ago featuring Oliver the Green Eel, an incredibly tame moray. Oliver is not the only moray eel that enjoys people petting them.

Parts of Great Barrier Reef in serious trouble

2016 has proven to be one of the worst years for corals on large parts of the GBR. Mass bleaching has killed 35% of corals in the northern and central GBR, and it's not over. It will take the GBR decades to recover assuming conditions don't get worse in coming years. The good news is the southern portion of the GBR are showing more resilience.