by Leonard Ho | Jun 2, 2016 | Advanced Aquarist
Tenji has completed the design and construction of MOS' newest exhibit. The Yawkey Gallery provides visitors an interactive experience to help people understand the connection between man and nature on Boston's Charles River. by Leonard Ho | May 31, 2016 | Advanced Aquarist
2016 has proven to be one of the worst years for corals on large parts of the GBR. Mass bleaching has killed 35% of corals in the northern and central GBR, and it's not over. It will take the GBR decades to recover assuming conditions don't get worse in coming years. The good news is the southern portion of the GBR are showing more resilience. by Leonard Ho | May 30, 2016 | Advanced Aquarist
Cirrhilabrus isosceles is a newly described species and the 52nd member of fairy wrasses. Its current known natural range is from northern Philippines to Ryukyu Archipelago (Japan), occurring at a depth of 24-60 meters. by Leonard Ho | May 27, 2016 | Advanced Aquarist
USA supermarket Whole Foods will be the first major chain to sell fresh lionfish. Whole Foods will roll out availability to 26 of its Florida stores on June 1, 2016. If all goes well (and we hope it does), we may see broader availability in the future. by Admin | May 26, 2016 | Advanced Aquarist
Researchers have discovered something remarkable about sea urchins: they experience negligible senescence (biological aging). A 100 year old sea urchin is as spry as a newborn. by Leonard Ho | May 23, 2016 | Advanced Aquarist
'WEATHER – a Coral Nightmare' is a (strangely titled) short film shot and produced by Reef Patrol that showcases the spectacular biofluorescence of reef life on a macro scale. The footage is some the very best we've seen.