by Leonard Ho | Feb 14, 2018 | Advanced Aquarist
A new study has isolated the first identified toxin specific to stony corals as well as discovered many interesting characteristics of coral toxicity. by Leonard Ho | Feb 12, 2018 | Advanced Aquarist
Eggcrates are very useful in aquariums as frag holders and tank dividers. Innovative Marine has created a better eggcrate system that allows aquarists to quickly and securely create customized solutions via a locking, modular design. by Leonard Ho | Feb 7, 2018 | Advanced Aquarist
Crenicichla ploegi is the newest species of pike cichlids from Brazil. C. ploegi is the twenty-third described species that is part of the C. saxatilis group (AKA "spangled pike"). by Leonard Ho | Feb 5, 2018 | Advanced Aquarist
Have you ever wondered how brittle stars hide from light without eyes? Scientists have now discovered the mechanism for their eyeless "vision": The skin on the arms and bodies of brittle stars are covered with thousands of photoreceptors. by Leonard Ho | Feb 2, 2018 | Advanced Aquarist
A new research has found a clear link between contact with plastics and the prevalence of coral diseases. Corals in contact with plastic were over twenty-two times (yes, 22x) more likely to suffer from infectious diseases! by Leonard Ho | Jan 31, 2018 | Advanced Aquarist
We often think of reefs as bustling, harmonious gardens of beautiful sealife, but they are highly competitive arenas where corals are constantly vying with their neighbors for real estate dominance. Watch as corals battle each other with mesenterial filaments packed with nematocysts (stinging cells).