Let Ribbon Reef be your muse

Every now and again, reefkeepers need to remind ourselves what we're aspiring towards: healthy coral reefs such as Ribbon Reef at the Great Barrier Reef. The amazing diversity of species and forms is truly awe-inspiring.

Dumbo octopus in the wild

Monterey Aquarium recently had a dumbo octopus (arguably the world's cutest cephalopod) on exhibit. But watching them in their native ultra-deep-sea-floor habitat is something else. The exploration vessel Nautilus captures some magnificent footage of these adorable creatures. Bonus: We love listening to scientists swoon and geek out about an octopus.

Massive life-sized GBR exhibit

Now this is our type of art exhibit! Artist Yadegar Asisi assembled a mammoth, immersive experience featuring the Great Barrier Reef displayed on the world's largest 360° panorama at Leipzig, Germany.

Corals can regulate internal pH

Researchers have discovered that Porites cylindrica are able to maintain constant pH within their calcifying fluids. This mechanism may help certain corals cope with ocean acidification. It may also explain how SPS corals can grow so well even in pH-suppressed captive environments.