“Wash Off” is a new plant-based coral dip

ME Coral has introduced a new coral dip formulated with concentrated pine, lemon, and lavender plant extracts. Their press release (after the jump) contains some ambitious claims with no supporting data. Yet, we know plant-based oils have been safely used as coral dips so this new solution (first one that uses lavender oil that we know of) may be worth trying.

Cherax snowden, a new tropical crayfish

Yes, that Snowden. The newest described species of crayfish from Indonesia was named after Edward Snowden, the man who leaked information from the U.S. National Security Agency. Whatever your political stance, let's agree C.snowden is one handsome crawdad. It's actually been collected for the aquarium trade for years but wasn't recognized as a distinct species until now.

Meet the Blue Bastard Sweetlips

Plectorhinchus caeruleonothus is the newest described species of sweetlips from Australia. This fish was previously only known via 'big fish tales' told by fishermen, who named the near mythical creature the Blue Bastard because it is so frustrating to catch.