Even in the Red Sea, Xenia are taking over

Reefkeepers know Red Sea Xenia for both their beauty and their aggressive growth. They're weeds in the wild too. 37 years of monitoring a section of the Red Sea revealed that stony coral growth is declining, and Xenia are colonizing in their place.

The Billabong Paludarium 

Billabong isn't just a surfer clothing brand. Billabongs are isolated ponds left behind after rivers change course or stop flowing. Ian Cook's paludarium (part aquarium, part terrarium) replicates a lush tropical billabong to perfection.

Reef fish can genetically adapt to environmental changes

A new study by ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies finds that a chromis' genes can change from one generation to the next to adapt to higher temperatures. The finding demonstrates how fish might adapt to warming oceans and also explains why captive bred fish are better suited for captivity than wild-caught fish. It's in the genes!