New and unusual coral species may shake up coral taxonomy

Research conducted in Okinawa, Japan, by graduate student Yu Miyazaki and associate professor James Davis Reimer from the University of the Ryukyus has found a very unusual new species of octocoral from a shallow coral reef in Okinawa, Japan. The new species can be considered a "living fossil", and is related in many ways to the unusual blue coral. The study was published in the open access journal ZooKeys.

A canary in a paludarium

Paludariums are awesome, but we found one that is particularly special. This lovely marriage of a terrarium+aquarium features a bunch of cute OTOs, ficus bonsai, orchids, and a yellow canary taking a bath in it!

What’s eating microplastics?

Turns out, just about every marine animal at every step of the food chain is ... and at alarming rates. Earlier in the year, researchers confirmed that corals were eating microplastics.. Now new research provides indisputable evidence that zooplankton are eating lots of microplastics in the wild, which means every animal up the food chain is as well. Crikey!

A peek into aquarium history

We love seeing aquariums of yesteryear. Two more antique aquariums listed on eBay - a 1876 cast iron tank and a seahorse-legged aquarium/stand setup - provide us a glimpse into our fishkeeping past.