Amphiprion chrysogaster in the wild

by | Aug 5, 2016 | Fish, Photography | 0 comments

You can clearly see the fish's tail

You can clearly see the fish’s tail

A few years ago, I was lucky enough to dive in Mauritius to photograph the endemic clown  species in those waters: Amphiprion chrysogaster.RCA_3863

I wrote a piece about this trip at the time, but I wanted to revisit my image library and share a few more images of this rare and particularly attractive fish.

A younger fish in a Heteractis magnifica

A young fish in a Heteractis magnifica

Amphiprion chrysogaster is native to the waters around Mauritius and nearby islands (Reunion as well) and despite its global rarity is not particularly hard to find.  In fact, I saw them on several dives in several anemone species, on reefs and in shipwrecks and happily found them easy to shoot.

This fish was living in an anemone in a ship wreck

This fish was living in an anemone in a ship wreck

This fish, like many others in the family, changes coloration as it matures, from a cute and very bright juvenile to a darker, yet still quite smart adult, reminiscent of many in the Clarkii group.

It's a tough little fish

It’s a tough little fish

It can be recognized by its black tail with white upper band, and white stripe on the upper rear portion of the dorsal fin.

I am reliably informed that the fish is quite easily kept in captivity.


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