SPS Deep Dive: Tyree Icefire Echinata

The Tyree Icefire Echinata is a definite looker with its bright blue tips and creamy white branches. I typically fall for solid, brightly colored corals but the Icefire is certainly an eye catcher with its vivid contrasting color combo. A classic SPS coral, this piece was highly sought after when it first came out many years ago but it is still a must have Acropora today for many SPS collectors. It does best in the top-half of a tank under medium to high lighting and a good amount of flow. My colony is doing really well under a 400W Radium bulb about half way down the tank. Echinatas can be on the delicate side so I would only recommend adding it to an established tank with

Meet the New Designer Clownfish, the Gold Lightning Maroon

Sea & Reef has been busy releasing new varieties of captive bred fish over the last 3 weeks and today they announced a third captive bred variety in as many weeks. The new release is called the Gold Lightning Maroon clownfish. We learned from Sea & Reef that the Gold Lightning Maroon Clownfish is a designer clownfish that was created by breeding a Sea & Reef Lightning Maroon Clownfish with a Sea & Reef Gold Nugget Clownfish. The offspring from this unique crossing display a variety of interesting patterns. The Gold Lightning Maroon (Premnas biaculeatus) reaches a maximum size of about 6″ (15 cm) in length. A remarkable feature about the Gold Nugget Maroon is that they start out white.  As the fish matures, the color changes from