Tour of the Biota Facility

I did a quick video tour of Biota Aquarium’s Fort Lauderdale facility and answered the viewers’ questioned in real time as we talked about some of the amazing fish that they breed as well as their clams and corals.…

Till Deuss of Bocas Mariculture

1. Please introduce yourself, your background, and how you got into aquaculture and the reef aquarium hobby. My name is Till Deuss, I was born in 1981 in Germany and I am a biologist and the founder of Bocas Mariculture, an aquaculture company focused on marine...

Quality Marine Successfully Breeds Purple Tangs!

Quality Marine announced that they were successful in captive breeding Purple Tang, Zebrasoma xanthurum in their Los Angeles facility. One of the highly sought after fish all around the world, they are well known for their beautiful contrasting colors and distinctive...