by ReefBum | Mar 29, 2022 | Aquaculture, Equipment
Years ago I tried to start a reef tank with dry rock and I had a terrible experience. It was one problem after another, including dinoflagellates, cyanobacteria and a bacterial bloom. I just couldn’t grow SPS like I had done so with live rock and I vowed to never use dry rock again. The issues stemmed from a lack of biodiversity and microfauna with the dry rock. Additionally, I probably did not dose enough bacteria to build up the biological bed. With my most recent tank build I had a very quick cycle using live rock from KP Aquatics. The tank has had a couple of hiccups but so far the SPS are thriving. So why would I switch back to dry rock for a reboot of by Heidi dM | Feb 16, 2022 | Aquaculture, Breeding
Coral reef photo by Petr Kratochvil Biodiversity is the green word of the decade. It’s not something new, it’s just something that someone gave a catchy name to. Bio- for biological (fauna and flora) and “diversity” is the variety… of plant and animal... by Heidi dM | Feb 3, 2022 | Aquaculture
Before being put on display, new animals arriving at public aquariums have to go through a quarantine process. This allows the curatorial staff to observe and treat the newcomers for any potential risks to the resident... by Heidi dM | Jan 25, 2022 | Aquaculture, Supplements
A good diet, washing your face and using moisturizers help to fight against the physical signs of aging, but it’s not a biological fix. So what is? Collagen is known as the anti-aging protein. It’s a major building block in bones, ligaments and muscles and gives skin... by xeniaforever | Jan 24, 2022 | Aquaculture, Fish
This is certainly exciting news! As first reported by Matt Pedersen/CORAL Magazine, Wen-Ping Su’s marine ornamental fish farm, Bali Aquarich, has just announced a big leap in commercial-scale aquaculture with increased success in the breeding of this beautiful... by Todd Gardner | Oct 18, 2021 | Aquaculture, Fish
It’s been an eventful year for the advancement of aquaculture, particularly for angelfishes. For the first time since the 1970s we’ve seen Pomacanthid angelfishes reared in intensive culture conditions.…