Find a shark…egg case
Sharks keep our largest and most important ecosystem healthy…our oceans. Being at the top of the food chain in the marine environment, they regulate the populations... Read more.

Dive in with Citizen Science!
A scientific course for all levels of divers, what a good idea! Rendezvous Dive Adventures staff and staff from The Seattle Aquarium have teamed up to offer this... Read more.

Aquarama 2015 to Include Public Aquaria Program
According to the organizers, Aquarama is the leading biennial international ornamental fish, aquatic plants, invertebrates and accessories trade exhibition in the... Read more.

Gifts for Your Aquarium Fiends (err Friends)!
It’s December and Christmas Day is getting closer…and fast! Â Hands up who hasn’t finished their Christmas shopping? Â Ok, tell the truth now…who... Read more.

Oceans of Life Photo Competition
The centrepiece of the Celebrate Our Seas events, this photographic competition is used to remind us that life is fragile and that we need to take care of nature.... Read more.

Ways to revert threatened status for staghorns and elkhorns drafted
Bad news: According to the Endangered Species Act (2006), elkhorn and staghorn corals are listed as threatened. BUT: A new draft recovery plan released by NOAA Fisheries... Read more.

4-eyed success
The Tennessee Aquarium has had a breakthrough…two sets of baby four-eyed turtles have successfully hatched. The name is a bit misleading, they don’t actually... Read more.

Interesting talks to be held at the National Aquarium
The National Aquarium, in partnership with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Office of National Marine Sanctuaries and the National Marine... Read more.

Seahorses for all
What was once the domain of public aquarists only is now widely available for all hobbyists. Captive-bred seahorses and systems designed specifically for keeping... Read more.

Fully captive bred Yellow tangs to go to market?
Many aquarists and hobbyists alike look forward to the day when aquaculture farms are teeming with millions of colourful fish to help stock public aquariums rather... Read more.