You might not realize this, but most things underwater are kinda brown
The most-admired and coral-rich aquaria are usually praised for the colors of the corals within them, carefully fed and cared for by dedicated owners. Rare and special... Read more.
The lighthouse with its own Railway
Travelling around the Red Sea isn’t always enjoyable. Strong winds and boats that rarely exceed thirty meters long can combine to make stomach-churning conditions. ... Read more.
When sweepers actually help an image
In my last post I talked about Sweepers, the small fish of the genus Parapriacanthus that seem to have a burning desire to get between me and my subject en masse,... Read more.
The fish that get in the way
Mostly I like fish, and I imagine most folks reading this have a fondness for them too! Sometimes though, in some circumstances, fish can just get in the way of... Read more.
The Remarkable Napoleon Wrasse
Every once in a while I gather together my images of this impressive fish and share them with you, for the very simplest of reasons. Just look at it! Is it not... Read more.
Shooting Shoals Part 1 – Fusiliers
Fusiliers are so commonplace that photographers have a tendency to either take them for granted or curse them for getting in the way. I actually quite like them... Read more.
One More Yellow Fish that Makes a Great Photography Subject
This is my final post of this short series. If you missed the previous ones, the basic idea runs like this: yellow fish, en masse, look great against the blue. ... Read more.
Snappers: More Yellow Fish that are Great for Photography
As I mentioned in my last post, there’s nothing quite like a powerful image of vivid yellow fish against a blue background to shout “sunlit tropical... Read more.
Goatfish: Great Subjects for ‘Yellow Fish on a Reef’ Photography
When I’m hunting around for images with impact that will I hope editors will like, there’s nothing better than lots of yellow with lots of blue. The... Read more.
Conservation win for UK seas, but campaigners say the government must do more
Over recent years the environmentally damaging form of fishing known as bottom trawling, where weighted nets are dragged across the seabed to target bottom dwelling... Read more.