The “Albino” Trigger
The “Albino” Trigger. What species am I?This specimen is actually not a true albino but rather leucistic. may be... Read more.
The Aquarium – behind the scenes at the London Aquarium
It promises to be a star-studded show, in more ways than one…As a former aquarist at the London Sea Life Aquarium, filmmaker Rachel Wicks decided to... Read more.
Granddad the Australian lungfish celebrates 80 YEARS at Shedd Aquarium
Granddad, the Australian lungfish. © Shedd Aquarium/Brenna HernandezGranddad arrived in Chicago in 1933 as a mature adult so his real age is unknown... Read more.
Her name is Harriotta, and she exemplifies the wonders of the ocean deep
Chimeras are cartilaginous fish (like sharks and rays) and one of the oldest groups of extant fish. Some species inhabit shallow tropical waters while others,... Read more.
Study Suggests Overfishing of Sharks Is Harming Coral Reefs
Photos by Peter Verhoog of the Dutch Shark SocietyFrom the University of Toronto: A team of scientists from Canada and Australia has discovered... Read more.
Tropicorium owner and employee charged with federal wildlife crimes
A view of the Tropicorium greenhouse, in Romulus, Michigan.According to the indictment, Richard and Joseph are charged with: transport, sell, receive,... Read more.
Establishing World-Class Coral Reef Ecosystem Monitoring in Okinawa
Glenn McDonnald, Scott Gallager, and Amber York of WHOI and Koichi Toda of OIST installing the OceanCube central node in waters off Okinawa, Japan. (Photo courtesy... Read more.
Fluval to premiere new website and aquatic films. Oh yeah, they also discovered a fish species along the way
Fluval Colombia Expedition 2013Hagen (the parent company for Fluval) sponsored a team of explorers to head out on a 13-day, 1,600-mile excursion throughout... Read more.
Global Warming May Cause Some Corals to Flourish Scientists Say
We’ve all seen our fair share of reports about how global warming is causing the decline of coral reefs across the world, but there may be a shred of good... Read more.
Viruses indicted as “white plague” coral killers
“White plague” attacking the base of this brain coral now identified as viral in origin.It is true that bacteria has been identified as the... Read more.