Why do turtles eat plastic? It smells just like their normal food, researchers find
Research published in the journal Current Biology has documented how floating plastic debris becomes covered in marine organisms and ends up giving off scents which... Read more.
An Impressive Squirrelfish – is it Venemous?
Sargocentron spiniferum is a large-ish fish I’ve occasionally photographed in the Red Sea. It reaches a little over forty centimeters and is easily approached. ... Read more.
A Few More Monochrome Images: Shipwrecks
I shared a few monochrome images recently, and also talked about which underwater subjects look good in black and white. This time, I thought I’d look at... Read more.
Why Do Underwater Photographers Use Huge Flash Guns?
You’d think that a tropical reef would get all the light you need for photography? Nope, not really. Here are some shots to show you why. Artificial lights... Read more.
Anemone Carrying Hermit Crabs
I think most folk with an interest in the underwater world have a liking for hermit crabs, there’s just something quite endearing about watching them navigate... Read more.
Strange Jellyfish Relative That Lives in the Flesh of Salmon Has Lost the Ability to Breathe
It’s not unusual for parasites to lose various pieces of anatomy or chunks of their biochemistry as evolutionary forces, over time, place pressure on them to stop... Read more.
More Underwater Images in Monochrome
Part of the joy of modern day, digital imaging is the hours of fun you can have in the days, weeks, and months after the initial images were taken, in Photoshop... Read more.
A Very Extreme Mangrove Swamp
I recently wrote a blog about the conservation value of mangroves and how the loss of mangrove habitats has slowed in recent years. This inspired me to share a... Read more.
Mangrove Loss Slows Down as Conservation Efforts Appear to be Working
There’s no denying mangrove habitats are fascinating – anyone who has visited a mangrove forest or even kept a small mangrove in an aquarium system cannot help... Read more.
A Quick Visit to a Red Sea Reef (4k video)
As anyone who knows me is aware, I have a real affection for and interest in the reefs of the Red Sea. I spend as much time there as I can and usually with a camera. ... Read more.