Monday Archives: Butterflyfish of the Red Sea
I’m slowly working through some recent images from the Red Sea and hopefully you’re enjoying seeing them. Here is a selection of butterflyfish. The... Read more.

Monday Archives: Pygoplites diacanthus in the wild – finally getting some decent shots
We all love Pomacanthid angels, don’t we? I’m just going to assume that everyone is a fan of this genus of colorful, characterful, and engaging fish. ... Read more.

Monday Archives: Newly described Pleco named after Star Wars character
Peckoltia greedoi (preserved specimen)The researchers describe the etymology of Peckoltia greedoi in this way:Named for Greedo of Rodia, a bounty hunter killed... Read more.

Monday Archives: Reefs on the Move
Reefs are dynamic places, which is something I think we often forget. When looking at images of coral reefs or even experiencing them first hand, there is a tendency... Read more.

Monday Archives: Amphiprion omanensis in the Wild
I recently posted some images of juvenile members of the species, or at least I think they are. With these images I’m far less unsure; if anyone thinks I’m... Read more.

Tidal gardens Presents: Alkali Glass Corrosion – Permanent Hazing Damage!
While very uncommon, it is possible for a glass pane on your aquarium to develop a permanent haze appearance as a result of alkali glass corrosion. What is alkali... Read more.

Monday Archives: Some Slightly Odd and Hard to See Fish From the Red Sea
As an underwater photographer and general fan of quirkiness in the fish world, I really enjoy finding the oddities. There’s also a real thrill in finding... Read more.

Monday Archives: A Few More Tiny Subjects
In my last few posts I’ve discussed how I try to photograph a cross-section of the reef life I come across, from vistas of coral in well-lit waters to shoals... Read more.