Is that a Tiger?
Every so often I have one of those ‘what the heck is that?’ moments, when I see something that I just can’t quite wrap my mind around. I might be having more... Read more.
Halimedia in the wild and a little reef inspiration
I’m not sure I’ve ever seen Halimedia in such profusion as I did on my trip to the Maldives. The stuff is everywhere, and I don’t think I’d ever realized... Read more.
Green Turtles and Sea Grass
Seagrasses are fascinating. They’re one of the few ‘higher’ plants, as the text books used to call them, that have adapted through evolution to an entirely... Read more.
Dascyllus aruanus in the wild
Many years ago, when I first kept marine fish and I was entirely ignorant of…well, pretty much everything, I wandered into my LFS and asked their advice on... Read more.
Cone snails: pretty, but don’t pick ‘em up
I recently enjoyed a few weeks in the Indo Pacific having a beach based holiday. As any sensible person does, I explored the local beaches for booty in the form... Read more.
Unexpected gems in the cold and murky seas off Scotland
Last year I moved to the south east of Scotland. One of the main reasons for my move north was the region’s amazing scenery and rich biodiversity, above and below... Read more.
Varicus cephalocellatus, Deep-Sea Goby, Tiny Reef Fish
I have a tiny one inch or less Varicus cephalocellatus, goby for you all today found by our world renowned scientists from the Smithsonian Institution using a deep... Read more.
Squirrelfish, Sargocentron sp.
I have a small, three inch Sargocentron sp. or squirrelfish for you today once again found on our last expedition to St. Eustatius, which is a super tiny island... Read more.
Interesting Coral Formations in the Maldives
I’ve always been interested in how corals grow with – and very often upon – each other in the wild. As we all know, reefs are dynamic places,... Read more.
Ain’t this the cutest? But what is it?
I came across this little fellow on a Maldives night dive and thought I’d share. The question is though: is it a squid or a cuttle? I need your help.…... Read more.