Three Hawkfish from the Maldives
If you’ve seen any of my latest posts, then you know that I was lucky enough to visit the Maldives recently. As you can imagine, I saw some amazing sights, and... Read more.
Life in Featherstars
I think that if I were to see a featherstar, I could be easily coned into believing that they had just been discovered by a NASA space probe in some distant extra-terrestrial... Read more.
Four cute little fish from the Maldives and bit of ID help please?
I’ve just returned from a trip to the Maldives, and I’m armed with a few memory cards full of fish; but I’m not entirely sure what they are. I’m going... Read more.
Emperor Angel Juvenile in the Wild. Finally, I got some shots!
Ever since I first saw juvenile Emperor Angels in the excellent book by Helmut Debelius et al., I’ve scoured every Indo-Pacific reef for one. I’ve seen plenty... Read more.
Anemone Heaven
Every so often you come across a sight underwater that just takes your breath away. Here are some photos of the most amazing collection of anemones I’ve ever seen.…... Read more.
Taste is in the Eye of the Beholder
It’s a question of taste perhaps, but to me, some of these souvenirs are either way too bling-y, or downright ecologically damaging.…... Read more.
Morays: Four of the Best
Moray eels are endlessly fascinating for divers, especially the folks who enjoy spotting something with a good set of teeth and a reputation as a powerful predator. ... Read more.
French and Grey Angelfish – Easily Confused in the Wild
The French Angel and the Grey Angel are closely related, and are easily confused when they pass by in murky water. Sometimes though, you can find a confident individual... Read more.
Springer’s Dottyback in the Wild
I’ve always struggled to photograph dottybacks in the wild. Being a large lumbering creature armed with a big chunky camera does not help me when trying to approach... Read more.
Underwater Photography in Monochrome?
Black and white isn’t something that you normally see in underwater work. Monochrome is more suited to gritty reportage, street shots, and portraiture. However,... Read more.