Female tropical fish says no to sex by growing a “penis blocker”
From NC State University:Female fish in the Bahamas have developed ways of showing males that “No means no.” In an example of a co-evolutionary arms... Read more.
What is the bleeding edge?
So what is the bleeding edge of reef keeping? I sort of think of it as that moment that you step outside of your comfort zone, when an aquarist opens their mind... Read more.
Three new stunning killifish
Aphyosemion jeanhuberi is a new tropical African killifish discovered in the Chaillu Mountains, which straddle southern Gabon and the Republic of Congo. The... Read more.
Aquarium morality 2.0
I have gotten an incredible amount of feedback on my follow up to Richard Ross and Nathan Hill’s conversation about the aquarium hobby and morality. What shocked... Read more.
Even in the Red Sea, Xenia are taking over
Birdseye quadrat view of the portion of monitored coral reef.According to the open access paper published in Coral Reefs: Although some massive corals... Read more.
New Era fish foods acquired by World Feeds, rebranded
New Era Aquaculture was founded in 2004. Thanks to food products with high nutritional value and palatability for a wide range of fish, New Era quickly established... Read more.
Pacific Sun’s new Sentry Auto-Top-Off System
Pacific Sun introduced their Kore 5th Intelligent Dosing System last year, which proved to be one of the most intelligent and capable dosers on the market. ... Read more.
Father Killed By Shark While Diving With Daughter
I went back and forth on whether I was going to write about this post. I am sure many of you have heard about it by now. However, it is a very difficult post to... Read more.
Two striking Pseudocoris wrasses described
Terminal phase of Pseudocoris occidentalis. Juvenile P.occidentalisPseudocoris... Read more.
Buying ich vaccinated fish?
Could ich free fish be the wave of the future? Imagine if you were shopping for a new addition to your marine aquarium, and in addition to choosing between captive... Read more.