Survival Of The Yangtze Giant Softshell Turtle
While this story isn’t about a sea turtle, the plight of the survival of the Yangtze Giant Softshell Turtle must be told. There is only one known female Yangtze... Read more.
Encrusting Corals Can Create Art
We spend a lot of time talking about the intersection of reefs and the art world, and this photo is a great example of something near and dear to any reef aquarist,... Read more.
Have you hugged your shark today?
The full grown shark appears to enjoy belly rubs and going limp (known as tonic immobility, a commonly reported phenomenon in sharks) in the arms of the aquarium... Read more.
Box jellyfish fish for their food
It’s an impressive feat by any standards, but particularly so for an animal that doesn’t have a defined brain. The laboratory-based study of Carukia barnesi,... Read more.
Rare 17 Foot Oarfish Found At Catalina Island
This long, slender oarfish washed ashore the beaches of Catalina Island, California. The giant fish was noted to be between 14 to 17 feet long.…... Read more.
Female Sawfish Use ‘Virgin’ Births To Avoid Extinction
Sadly Smalltooth Sawfish are on the verge of extinction. However, scientists have discovered that some female sawfish are having ‘virgin’ births. The... Read more.
Reef Aquarium Forums 2.0
We are pleased to announce a major new project on, Forums 2.0. We’ve done a lot of work behind the scenes to make our forums much easier to navigate,... Read more.
Eshopps Announces New Channel Design (ECD) Sumps
Eshopps has just released a new line of sumps that integrate their Channel Design system to optimize the flow pattern in the system. Instead of a standard trickle/overflow... Read more.
Battle of the Blue Heron Bridge: Personal aquarium collection
While at the Eastern Academy of Scuba Education (EASE), located in Vero Beach, FL, I quickly learned about the Blue Heron Bridge. The bridge is an intercostal waterway... Read more.
Fish born in larger groups develop more social skills and a different brain structure
Neolamprologus pulcher (N. Pulcher) breed of cichlid fish used in the study Credit: Dario JosiFrom the University of Cambridge:New research on a... Read more.