Indiana bans invasive aquarium and pond plants
Hygrophila polysperma, Caulerpa taxifolia, and Egeria densa are examples of aquatic plants that are banned in Indiana.The 28 banned species are outlined... Read more.
Darwin discovered to be right: Eastern Pacific barrier is virtually impassable by coral species
Adult lobe coral (Porites lobata) colonies can grow to be several hundred years old, providing habitat to small reef dwellers. Credit: Baums lab, Penn State University ... Read more.
Robert Worst, “The Diving Butcher’s”, 400-gallon aquarium [video]
This is an amazing tank. Robert upgraded to this 400-gallon aquarium around New Year’s Eve 2010 from a 130-gallon tank and it certainly shows that he has a... Read more.
Boring mussels and sponges significantly impact corals close to urban areas
A Porites coral with fanworms (top). Bioerosion taking place in other Porites corals.Urban development and agricultural activities increase nutrient... Read more.
Zooxanthellae species highly stable in eastern Pacific Pocillopora corals
Resident Symbiodinium spp. remained stable within Pocillopora corals following a cold-water stress event off Baja Cali fornia, Mexico, in 2008. Photos: T.C. LaJeunesse,... Read more.
Fishing in the deep: observations of a deep-sea anglerfish [video]
This video shows never-before seen footage of a deep-sea angler fish, Chaunacops coloratus. In it, a summary of recent work by scientists at Monterey Bay Aquarium... Read more.
Hack together a water leak tester for less than $15
A picture of the finished water detector built from an inexpensive smoke detector.What this person did was to open up an inexpensive $10 smoke detector... Read more.
Volunteers haul 357 pounds of trash off South Florida reefs
This fire coral (Millepora alcicornis) is entangled with a plastic grocery bag on Graceland Reef, Florida.The Florida Department of Environmental Protection,... Read more.
Invasive brittlestars discovered in the Atlantic
Fig. 1 a The disks of O. mirabilis (≈2 mm diameter for ophiuroids in the figure) and the arms (~5 times as long) contrast in color with the host species b Leptogorgia... Read more.
Stony corals catch zooplankton within days of settlement and metamorphosis
One 8-day-old Seriatopora caliendrum recruit capturing (a), subduing (b), and ingesting (c–d) live Artemia nauplii over 14 min.We all know how important... Read more.