New T5 / T8 LED tubes debut from Orphek
T5 / T8 LED tubes fit into a standard T5 / T8 fixture.Orphek (an Advanced Aquarist sponsor) announced yesterday the introduction of a new T8 form-factor... Read more.
Breeding Berghia Nudibranches – The Best Kept Secret by Dene Banger now available
Breeding Berghia Nudibranches The Best Kept SecretI’m a sucker for books on breeding marine organisms and at one point I had actually contemplated... Read more.
Edith Widder talks about the weird and wonderful world of bioluminescence [TEDÂ Video]
Edith Widder.Bioluminescence is the ability for an organism to produce it’s own light and this ability is observed in many marine organisms. Anglerfish... Read more.
Zebrafish research aides potential cancer detection and treatment
Zebrafish withtout (left) and with T-cell leukemia (right).Leukemia is a type of cancer that causes an unusually high concentration of white blood cells... Read more.
Today we salute Irving Colburn: inventor of the process for making glass
Irving W. ColburnIn 1899, Irving Colburn began experimenting with making flat sheets of glass that eventually led to patents on the process. After an... Read more.
John Delaney: Wiring an interactive ocean [TEDÂ Video]
John DelaneyThe networked cables will be placed along the Juan de Fuca Ridge as well as other oceanic sites, in the water column, and on the ocean floor.... Read more.
The alluring reef aquarium of Stuart BertramÂ
Simply amazing!Stuart is the co-director of Europe’s D-D The Aquarium Solution, an UK supplier of specialty equipment for both saltwater and... Read more.
Flatworms can completely regenerate from a single adult cell
Flatworms, Andrew H. Lynford M.S.Flatworm infestations are a bane to reefkeepers. Once our tanks are infested, flatworms are very hard to get rid of... Read more.
PO4x4 Phosphate Remover claims 4 times more phosphate removal than other phosphate removers
PO4x4 Phosphate RemoverAccording to Reef Interests (the same company that introduced both ReefPearls and NP BioPellets to the aquarium hobby), PO4x4... Read more.
Turning Fish Cannery Waste into Energy?
Photo: trec_lit, flickr.comFisheries waste is a big deal as so much waste is produced on an annual basis that much of it ends up getting dumped into... Read more.