What Effect Will ‘Finding Dory’ Have on Blue Hippo Tangs?
The Disney Pixar smash hit about a clownfish seeking out his lost son was undoubtedly a welcomed family movie that warmed the hearts of millions. Obviously we’re... Read more.

Tsunami Debris Possibly an Unlikely Source for Invasive Non-native Fish
The aquarium trade is often the target for invasive species chatter, but it looks like the US has another potential source, debris from the 2011 Japan tsunami. Since... Read more.

Marine Breeding Initiative Workshop Coming in July, Ticket Prices Increase Soon
If you’re a fan of captive bred marine ornamentals, then the Marine Breeding Initiative (MBI) has the event for you. The breeding centric club is hosting its fourth... Read more.

MACNA 2013 Banquet Gets More Entertaining with Master of Ceremonies, Richard Ross
The committee putting together the 2013 Marine Aquarium Conference of North America isn’t using the same old format that past shows have followed, but... Read more.

CoralVue Inks Deal to Be Exclusive Distributor of the Flipper Magnet
Announced earlier today, CoralVue has officially become the exclusive North American distributor for the Flipper Cleaner product line, which is headed by their flagship... Read more.

Fish Store Thieves Caught on Video Boosting Corals
Here’s one of those moments in the aquarium hobby that just disgust us. A small group consisting of three men, one women, and a child walked into a mom and... Read more.

Noodling for Catfish is for Wimps…Let’s Try Tarpon
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fhm8_1yUqug Let’s be honest, no matter how many times we’re told, sometimes we just have to get our hands on some nature.... Read more.

Neptune Systems Aquacontroller Apex Now Available in 240v Version for Europe
At MACNA last year, part of the major announcements for Neptune Systems was the 240v version of their Apex controller line. At the time, this rollout wasn’t... Read more.

ATI Discontinues Powermodule T5HO Fixtures in the US
ATI Aquaristik has done something I never would have imagined seeing, they have officially stopped selling their Powermodule T5HO fixtures in the United States.... Read more.

Dr. Richard Pyle Announced as MACNA 2013 Keynote Speaker
Here’s some great news for registered and potential attendees of MACNA 2013. The world famous Dr. Richard Pyle was just announced as the keynote speaker of... Read more.