Vendors Joining the PIJAC Fundraising Bandwagon
This is one bandwagon that I am incredibly pleased to see vendors jumping on. We recently shared that Cherry Corals offered a Zoanthid and Palythoa frag pack with... Read more.

Cherry Corals PIJAC Frag Pack!
Unless you’re living under a live rock you’ve likely heard a good amount of chatter lately regarding the organization PIJAC. If you have no idea what... Read more.

Origin of the Purple Monster; Tyree L.E. and Coral Names.
Today Steve Tyree shared with the Facebook world the origin of the Purple Monster, Tyree L.E. and coral names as we know it. I especially like hearing Steve’s... Read more.

Maxspect Riptide Black: Pictures and Pricing
Teaser pics of the black version have been released… with initial pricing! The black looks super slick, but the price point is unfortunately higher than I... Read more.

Update on Copps’ New Beast
Towards the end of January we shared the progress of well-known reefer John Coppolino’s new massive aquarium system. He recently shared some new breathtaking... Read more.

My Boyfriend Gave Me Crabs
After being in the hobby or industry for a while we become very aware of how much our aquariums will directly impact relationships, particularly concerning significant... Read more.

Ultra Coral Australia Lands Incredible Hammer Coral
It’s no secret that Ultra Coral Australia collects some of the hottest corals down under; this Euphyllia ancora is proof. The colony sports all three of what... Read more.

Cherry Corals MACNA trip giveaway!
Cherry Corals is hosting another fun-filled Live Sale Event on Reef2Reef coming up June 21st. In the past they’ve always had some amazing prizes for patrons,... Read more.

Throw Back Thursday: Aquarium Style
Throw Back Thursday, or TBT, is an ever growing trend on social media networks that has old and young patrons alike sharing pictures of everything past. In our little... Read more.

How Fast Do Sea Sponges Filter Water?
A while back there was a fair amount of chatter spreading throughout the interwebs regarding the use of sponges as a main, or alternative filtration source. Steve... Read more.