Temperature has a pronounced effect on Acropora larval mortality
Many unknowns remain with respect to specific responses that corals will have to the continuing and projected warming of sea surface temperatures in tropical waters.... Read more.

Legendary reef health chronicler shows devastation in Bali
Phil Dustan is a name you should know. A professor at the College of Charleston, Dr. Dustan is the reason we have photographic evidence for the devastating loss... Read more.

Daylight fertilization of Tridacna zooxanthellae
As reefkeepers, and aquarists in general, know, most aquatic animals excrete ammonia as their primary nitrogenous waste product. What reefkeepers also know is that... Read more.

Virginia Key White Plague has run its course; spreads to other areas.
Three weeks ago, a manuscript was published in Nature’s Scientific Reports detailing a catastrophic outbreak of White Plague Type II, where populations of... Read more.

Devastating white plague coral mortality in Florida
In a continuing string of brutal stories in a devastating 18 months for world coral reefs, a new paper in the high impact journal Nature Scientific Reports, by William... Read more.

Active mortality event at Flower Garden Banks has stopped.
As we have been reported in largely real time, the Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary has been in the throes of a generalized invertebrate mortality event... Read more.

Brightness in the dark of world coral reef health
Recently, all of my conservation and science posts have been fairly dark in tone and content. From the seeming futility of local preservation, to the ongoing and... Read more.

Sudden mass coral/invertebrate mortality at Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary; cause unknown.
As if this year hasn’t been rough enough on Global Coral reefs, I learned this afternoon that mysterious mass invertebrate deaths had suddenly begun and were... Read more.

Local efforts to save reefs proving futile in the face of global degradation
The audience of this blog is likely well aware of the myriad threats that modern coral reef ecosystems face, both global and local: global warming, ocean acidification,... Read more.

Projected “quasi-extinction” of Acropora cervicornis: Puerto Rico
Most reefs.com readers will be aware that as far as Caribbean corals go, none are considered more at risk of extinction than Acropora cervicornis and Acropora palmata.... Read more.